Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Are You Digitally Distracted?

How do you know if you're digitally distracted?

"In addiction studies, four to five hours of use a day is indicative of a problem," said Dr. Michael Bengtson, "But I think two to three hours might indicate the front end of a problem."

Ask yourself the same questions that help define other addictions:

• Does it get in the way of other tasks or activities?

• Do you feel an irresistible urge to use social media?

• Has it had a negative impact on your job, studies or relationships?

• Have you tried to cut down and failed?

• Have others complained about your behavior or suggested you might have a problem?

Tips to cut back

• Close the social media screens/applications on your computer when you're working on something else. Same for email, if that's what distracts you.

• Unless it's part of your job, don't use social media at work.

• Turn off the chat function on Facebook so you won't be distracted by pokes and pings. Disable push notifications on your phone.

• Set a time limit for social media use.

• Establish times when you disconnect completely, especially when you're on vacation.

Read more at: http://www.tampabay.com/news/health/social-media-can-become-an-addiction-but-you-can-break-free/2133164

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