Thursday, November 28, 2013

6 Signs you addicted to facebook

With over a billion users on facebook, it has become second nature to have a facebook profile and use this social media outlet to connect with old friends and new ones. How do you know though if your social media use is getting out of hand? Here are SIX signs that your facebook use could be a problem:

1) Tolerance - with your continued use of facebook, is the need to increase the amount of time you spend on the site increasing to achieve the same amount of satisfaction?

2) Anxiety and Withdrawal after not logging on after an extended amount of time - if you can't handle being away from your facebook for too long or experience anxiety when you cannot upload a post, then this is indicative of a problem.

3) Replacing normal forms of communication by supplementing the real world interaction with social interactions from facebook.

4) Virtual dating instead of real world relationships - if you only feel comfortable meeting new people behind a computer screen then you may be in danger of a facebook addiction

5) If 8 out of 10 of your friends on facebook are strangers that you have never met before in real life

6) When meeting new people you always conclude with "I'll see you on facebook" or "find me on facebook"

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